Watch 爱道 Soap2day. This computer-generated fantasy tells the story of a fading superstar, Diva, who enlists an aspiring AI songwriter to mount a comeback performance at the 2065 eSports Olympic finale. Set in a smoke-and-mirrors realm of fantastical architecture, sentient drones and snow-deluged jungles, AIDOL revolves around the long and complex struggle between humanity and Artificial Intelligence. Fame - in all its allure and emptiness - is set against the bigger contradictions of a post-AI world, a world where originality is sometimes no more than an algorithmic trick and where machines have the capacity for love and suffering.
- Genre: Animation, Musique, Science-Fiction
- Pays: United Kingdom
- Réalisateur: Lawrence Lek
- Jeter: Xiaoyi Nie, Joni Zhu, Steve Goodman, Sophie Guo, Xiaoran Wu,